Case 4


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This is a challenging biopsy case with tumor showing cytoplasmic blush. While some membrane staining is apparent at 10x, as the tissue is examined at 20x and then 40x, more faint to weak partial membrane staining becomes apparent. This case is challenging due to the cytoplasmic blush present and the overall percent of partial faint to weak staining is 9%, extremely close to the HER2 IHC Score 1+ cutoff. 1

IHC score of

IHC-0* = HER2 negative2

Fall 4 Fallbericht

1. Ventana 4B5 Interpretation Guide (Roche) 2. Wolff AC, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2023. 41(22):3867-3872.

This tool has been developed by AstraZeneca and is for demonstration purposes, it is not meant to replace HER2 interpretation trainings.
The tool is intended for pathologists only.

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